Health, Safety & Environment (HSE):
Groupement Udipta Drilling Fluids Corporation (UDFC) has established certain basic HSE policies to outline broad standards of conduct in specific areas with high risk of company operations. Seniors and managers are responsible for implementing the more detailed procedures to ensure compliance of all personnel with these policies, however, all employees are responsible and trained.
The following topics are included in Groupement Udipta Drilling Fluids Corporation (UDFC) HSE policy statements:
– Health and Safety Policy
– Drug and Alcohol Prohibition Policy
– Smoking Prohibition Policy
– Land transport Policy
– P.P.E. Policy
– Environmental Policy
– Training Policy
Every reasonable effort has been made to safeguard lives, prevent various types of accidents/catastrophes and implement the best environmentally well-known practices.
We follow ISO 14001(EMS): 2015, ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 standards and we base our systems on PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Action).

HSE defined targets are SMART:
- Specific – Related to a clearly defined outcome. The targets are sufficiently detailed and focused to provide direction.
- Measurable – The results are measured in terms of quality, quantity, time, cost etc., so that progress can be assessed.
- Attainable – Accomplishing the target needs to be challenging, but within reason for the person’s ability and resource constraints.
- Relevant – The targets are appropriate to the needs of the company.
- Time-bound – Specific deadlines are set for accomplishing the target.
The primary purpose of measuring health, safety and environment performance is to provide information on the progress and current status of the strategies, processes and activities used by Groupement Udipta Drilling Fluids Corporation (UDFC) to control and mitigate HSE risks. Gathering such information is imperative to sustain reliable operations as it defines risk and we therefore understand the control of risk, by providing information on how the system operates in practice; identifying areas where remedial action is required; providing a basis for continual improvement; and providing feedback and motivation.
HSE Culture:
Groupement Udipta Drilling Fluids Corporation (UDFC) is committed to define and develop a strong HSE culture amongst each aspect of its operation. We will therefore assist and continue in educating, promoting, reporting, sharing, learning, and evaluating the overall safety performance of the business and creating an atmosphere to facilitate that.