Solids Control & Drilling Waste Management Services:
Groupement Udipta Drilling Fluids Corporation (UDFC) offers a wide range of waste management services to minimize generated waste and contaminated discharged cuttings during drilling operations. This helps keep the environment clean and ensures that our operations are in compliance with the Algerian legislations.
We provide cost-effective and optimum solutions from environmentally acceptable procedures to achieve zero-discharge plans and improve fluids recovery. The outcome reduces operational costs and enables recycling.
Among our waste management services, we provide cutting dryer centrifuges services onsite for the reduction of oil on cuttings (OOC% < 5%), recovery of oil-based mud OBM fluids and reduction of volumes of waste to hall off for transportation and disposal by 40%.
The main benefits and features of our cuttings dryer centrifuges systems are :
- Reduction of oil on cuttings (OOC% < 5%) to meet environmental regulations.
- High capacity unit is capable of supporting operations with a high rate of penetration (ROP) – average 40-60 TPH.
- Recovery of fluid alone may justify installation as 85% of recovered mud is returned back to the active system after treatment with a Hi-“G” centrifuge.
- Reduces volumes of waste to haul off for transportation and disposal by 40%.